The Christina Phipps Foundation provides specialized training to yoga teachers enabling them to teach yoga to their local cancer community at no charge. We are currently expanding our offerings from Palm Coast to Daytona.
Our training in Daytona Beach was scheduled in July, 2023 and was full.
Use of Gentle Yoga for Survivors
Our instructors bring a gentle yoga approach to each of their students and remain sensitive to individual limitations. We began with gentle oncology yoga classes and slowly added chair yoga, restorative yoga, slow flow and yin. Our 300+ teachers bring an amazing amount of expertise to their volunteer work with CPF.
The CPF Certification Training Program
The Christina Phipps Foundation's oncology yoga program consists of two sessions scheduled on separate days, typically on weekends.
The first session focuses on the cancer journey, using breast and gyn cancers as an example. This includes anatomy, breast cancer surgery, other cancer treatments, effects of treatments, reconstructive surgery and effects of surgery. Medical segments are taught by board certified medical professionals, often in a hospital setting. We also cover the psychological and emotional impact of breast cancer; physical therapy, lymphedema, and meditation. These segments are also taught by highly trained professionals in their respective fields.
Each student is given a case study to research and prepare a formal presentation. In the second session they present to other students and board members. Each student is required to demonstrate expertise in teaching and convey knowledge gained during the Foundation's course work.
Certification and Designation
Yoga instructors who are RYT 200 or above, and who hold a current Yoga Alliance Registry number may apply. Once they complete the CPF coursework, and demonstrate the synthesis of this knowledge into their teaching methods during their formal presentation will be certified by the Foundation and receive the formal professional designation of CPF. The CPF certificate can be uploaded to the Yoga Alliance website for CEU hours.